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Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Still on the ether

Thank you all for your emails, I’ve been very busy lately and as such am not able to visit all your great blogs.

I miss my usual daily interaction with all of you.
Hope to be able to write and comment soon.

First!!! Hope so too.
Check out Jameel's update - you can still get in... :)
Hope all is well and that you'll be able to resume your activities soon.
Hope you are busy with ONLY good things. Have a happy Purim :)
glad you're ok
I know what you mean. I've found that the few times I do manage to post and comment are a nice change of pace (when I DO find time to go online). Have a Freilichen Purim!!
Who is Anne Gededes? Guess its a compiment coz my cousin is a real cutie :)
Life is soooo busy ! I can totally understand that certain commitments need to be placed in front of others ...
although blogging isn't a 'commitment' as such.. but, a pleasant social atmosphere of connection and some stimulation :-)

So do what you gotta do....
and say hi and blog when you can

It's all part of the bigger picture!
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